If require any further information about our curriculum, please either contact your child's class teacher or our Headteacher, Mrs Walsh, at head@millmead.herts.sch.uk
Our Curriculum Intent here at Mill Mead
Our curriculum is based on a secure understanding of our children's context and the shared aspiration of all stakeholders for each child, including those with special educational needs or disabilities, within our care to achieve their potential in their lives ahead. We believe that, alongside instilling our values and providing coverage of the National Curriculum, our curriculum prepares children to be lifelong learners. One way in which we achieve this by allowing them to develop and deepen their understanding of the world around them through the exploration of the following themes wherever relevant opportunities occur:
Religious Education
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons and to do so they should email our headteacher, Mrs Walsh, on head@millmead.herts.sch.uk