Start Times
Access to our playgrounds for children, parents and carers is provided from 8.35am each morning. Doors to classrooms are open at 8.45am for all children and we expect all children to be ready to enter their classrooms at this point. We ask that parents and carers exit the playgrounds promptly after drop off - the gates will be closed by 8.45am.
Morning Registration
This occurs at 8.45am for all classes. Any children who are not in class by this time will need to enter via the main school office and will be marked as 'late before the register closes'.
Finish Time
School finishes at 3.15pm for all children in Reception to Year 6. A morning session in our nursery finishes at 11.45am and an all-day session finishes at 3.15pm.
Total Hours
Children attending full time, and on time, will therefore be in school for 32.5 hours a week.
School closures due to adverse weather conditions, will be displayed on the School Closure Notification System. Please use this system as your first port of call.
We will, however, endeavour to inform parents in a variety of ways:
• an update on the school website
• as answerphone message on the school number
• a note on the gates
We never take the decision to close lightly and always do what we can to remain open or partially open. Please do not undertake a journey that you consider dangerous to get your children to school.